Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 319
NetGen Simulation Flow
NetGen Supported Flows
NetGen can be described as having three fundamental flows: simulation, equivalency
checking, and third-party static timing analysis. This chapter contains flow-specific
sections that detail the use and features of NetGen support flows and describe any sub-
flows. For example, the simulation flow includes two flows types: functional simulation
and timing simulation.
Each flow-specific section includes command line syntax, input files, output files, and
available command line options for each NetGen flow.
NetGen syntax is based on the type of NetGen flow you are running. For details on NetGen
flows and syntax, refer to the flow-specific sections that follow.
Valid netlist flows are:
simulation [sim]— generates a simulation netlist for functional simulation or timing
simulation. For this netlist type, you must specify the output file type as Verilog or
VHDL with the –ofmt option.
netgen –sim [options]
equivalence [ecn]— generates a Verilog-based equivalence checking netlist. For this
netlist type, you must specify a tool name after the –ecn option. Possible tool names for
this netlist type are conformal or formality.
netgen –ecn conformal|formality [options]
static timing analysis [sta]—generates a Verilog netlist for static timing analysis.
netgen –sta [options]
NetGen Simulation Flow
Within the NetGen Simulation flow, there are two sub-flows: functional simulation and
timing simulation. The functional simulation flow may be used for UNISIM-based or
SIMPRIM-based netlists, based on the input file. An input NGC file will generate a
UNISIM-based netlist for functional simulation. An input NGD file will generate a
SIMPRIM-based netlist for functional simulation. Similarly, timing simulation can be
broken down further to post-map timing simulation and post-par timing simulation, both
of which use SIMPRIM-based netlists.
NetGen does not list LOC parameters when an NGD file is used as input. In this case,
“UNPLACED” is reported as the default value for LOC parameters.
Options for the NetGen Simulation flow (and sub-flows) can be viewed by running
netgen -h sim from the command line.
NetGen Functional Simulation Flow
This section describes the functional simulation flow, which is used to translate NGC and
NGD files into Verilog or VHDL netlists.
When you enter an NGC file as input on the NetGen command line, NetGen invokes the
functional simulation flow to produce a UNISIM-based netlist. Similarly, when you enter
an NGD file as input on the NetGen command line, NetGen invokes the functional
simulation flow to produce a SIMPRIM-based netlist. You must also specify the type of
netlist you want to create: Verilog or VHDL.