74 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 3: Tcl
The following table lists the analysis properties for the timing_analysis command. A
description of each analysis property is also included in the table.
Table 3-5: Timing Analysis Properties and Descriptions
Analysis Property Description
analysis_type Determines which of the following analysis
types will be run:
auto_generated—for an analysis that discards
any constraints from the UCF/PCF and instead
uses constraints automatically generated by
the timing wizard.
clock_io—for an analysis that discards any
constraints from the UCF/PCF and uses
custom constraints as generated by the
set_constraints subcommand.
endpoints—for an analysis that discards any
constraints from the UCF/PCF and uses
custom constraints as generated by the
set_endpoints subcommand.
timing_constraint—for an analysis that uses the
constraints form the UCF/PCF.
net—for an analysis on nets as specified by the
set_query subcommand.
timegroup—for an analysis on timegroups as
specified by the set_query subcommand.
omit_user_constraints Specifies whether to omit all timing constraints
from the UCF/PCF.
analyze_unconstrained_paths Specifies whether paths not covered by any
constraint should be analyzed and shown in
the timing report.
analysis_temperature Specifies the prorating temperature for the
analysis_voltage Specifies the prorating voltage for the analysis.
analysis_speed Specifies the speed grade for the analysis.
report_name Specifies the name for the report (XML or
report_format Specifies the format for the report.
report_datasheet Specifies whether the datasheet section is
generated for the timing report.
report_timegroups Specifies whether the timegroups table is
generated for the timing report.
paths_per_constraint Specifies how many paths per constraint are