274 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 14: BitGen
Adds a pull-up, a pull-down, or neither to the unused device pins and the serial data
output (TDO) for all JTAG instruction and data registers. Selecting one setting enables it
and disables the others. The Pullnone setting shows there is no connection to either the
pull-up or the pull-down.
The following settings are available. The default is Pulldown.
You can enter up to an 8-digit hexadecimal code in the User ID register. You can use the
register to identify implementation revisions.
–intstyle (Integration Style)
–intstyle {ise | xflow | silent}
The –intstyle option reduces screen output based on the integration style you are running.
When using the –intstyle option, one of three modes must be specified: ise, xflow, or silent.
The mode sets the way information is displayed in the following ways:
–intstyle ise
This mode indicates the program is being run as part of an integrated design
–intstyle xflow
This mode indicates the program is being run as part of an integrated batch flow.
–intstyle silent
This mode limits screen output to warning and error messages only.
The -intstyle option is automatically invoked when running in an integrated environment, such
as Project Navigator or XFLOW.
–j (No BIT File)
Do not create a bitstream file (.bit file). This option is used when you want to generate a
report without producing a bitstream. For example, if you wanted to run DRC without
producing a bitstream file, you would use the -j option.
The .msk or .rbt files may still be created.
Architectures: Virtex, Virtex-E, Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-4,
Spartan-II, Spartan-IIE, Spartan-3, Spartan-3E
Settings: Pullup, Pulldown, Pullnone
Default: Pulldown
Architectures: Virtex-4, Spartan-3, Spartan-3E
Settings: 0xFFFFFFFF, [hex string]
Default: 0xFFFFFFFF