Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 201
Command Line Options
-s (Specify VCD file)
-s [simdata.vcd]
Sets activity rates and signal frequencies using data from the VCD file. If no file is
specified, XPower searches for an input design file with a .vcd extension.
-tb (Turn On Time Based Reporting)
-tb [number][unit]
Turns on time-based reporting. Must be used with the -s option. XPower generates a file
with a .txt extension. The specified number and unit control the time base of how often the
total power is reported. For example, if 10ps is selected, XPower reports the total
instantaneous power every 10 picoseconds of the simulation run. If the simulation runtime
for the VCD is 100ps, XPower returns 10 results.
Units are:
ps = picoseconds
ns = nanoseconds
fs = femtoseconds
us = microseconds
-v (Verbose Report)
-v [-a]
Specifies a verbose (detailed) power report. Use of the -a argument specifies an advanced
report. See “Power Reports” below for more information.
-wx (Write XML File)
-wx [userdata.xml]
Writes out an XML settings file that contains all of the settings information from the
current XPower run. If no filename is specified, the output filename is the input design
filename with a .xml extension.
-x (Specify Settings (XML) Input File)
-x [userdata.xml]
Instructs XPower to use an existing XML settings file to set the frequencies of signals and
other values. If an XML file is not specified, XPower searches for a file with the input
design filename and a .xml extension.