32 Remote Control Panel User’s Guide ● Rev 00
AUX Output Control
Understanding Button Mapping
When the RCP-120 is connected and setup to control Aux Outputs on the FSN system,
button mapping behavior is as follows:
• Buttons 1 – 10 will follow the current Input Bus mapping on the FSN Controller. The
display in each button shows the current source names which were assigned during
input setup on the FSN (e.g., CAM1, VTR2, etc.). Within the programmable displays,
the top row is the unshifted source; the bottom row is the shifted source. Refer to
Map Buttons Menu in the FSN Users Guide for more information on how to change
the Input Bus mapping.
• Button 11 is the Shift button. This button is latching. Press to access additional
sources, 11 through 20 as mapped on the FSN Controller.
• Button 12 is the Auto Trans button. This button is used when the Aux Output is
defined to be one of the Aux Mixer types, “Mixer”, “Mixer – PGM” or “PGM/PVW”.
Under this condition, the Auto Trans button will be active so an operator can
transition the selected source to the Aux Program output.
Note When the Aux Output is defined to be “Standard”,
Button 12 will not be used.