Media Play - USB Device 45
Media Play - USB Device
Precautions when using a USB device
USB Flash Drive with other formats (such as FAT16 or NTFS).
• CertaintypesofUSBDigitalcameraandaudiodevicesmaynotbecompatiblewiththisTV.
Media only guarantees to support USB Flash Drive. Other devices such as flash card reader,
USB HDD, USB Digital Camera and audio devices may not be compatible with this TV.
• IfaUSBdevicerequireshighpower(morethan500mAor5V),theUSBdevicemaynotbe
• isTVisnotsupportedtheUSBdevicewithmultiplepartitions.
• PleaseconnectdirectlytotheUSBportofyourTV.Ifyouareusingaseparatecable
connection or through a USB hub, there may be a USB compatibility problem.
• BeforeconnectingyourdevicetotheTV,pleasebackupyourlestopreventthemfrom
damage or loss of data. BenQ is not responsible for any data le damage or data loss.
• ehighertheresolutionoftheimage,thelongerittakestodisplayonthescreen.
• HowfastaUSBdeviceisdetecteddiersfromdevicetodevice.
• Forunsupportedorcorruptedles,the"unsupportedFile"messageisdisplayed.
• MP3leswithDRMthathavebeendownloadedfromanon-freesitecannotbeplayed.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that supports the creation of content,
the distribution and management of the content in an integrated and comprehensive way,
including the protection of the rights and interests of the content providers, the prevention
of the illegal copying of contents, as well as managing billings and settlements.
• Whenmovingtoaphoto,loadingmaytakeafewseconds.Atthispoint,theloadingicon
will appear at the screen.
• IfUSBcardreaderisconnected,itsvolumemaynotbedetected.
• IfUSBdevicedoesnotfunctionproperly,pleaseunplugandreconnectit.
• IfverifywhethertheUSBdeviceisfunctionedproperlywithyourPC.
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