Contemporary Research IP-HDVR TV Receiver User Manual

Contemporary Research 27 IP-HDVR HD Tuner-DVR
Ethernet and RS-232 Protocol
Code Function Operation
KK=82 Ratio Steps through aspect ratios, options depend on channel and
output types
KK=80 Freeze Freeze image, toggles
KK=81 Signal Displays an on-screen signal strength meter
KK=115 Closed captions Steps through captioning options
VU Ramp volume up Starts volume ramping up
VD Ramp volume down Starts volume ramping down
VX Volume Mute off Restores audio volume to previous level
VM Volume Mute on
Turns off audio outputs
Mutes audio outputs
VV Stop volume ramp Stops volume ramping
VT Toggle Volume Mute Alternates audio mute on and off
KK=85 Audio Mode Step through audio mode options for mono, stereo, SAP
Status Request
SQ Request Q Mode status Unit sends “Q” Mode status string
SS Request Front Panel status Unit sends “S” Front Panel status string
ST Request Channel status
Example: ‘>ST’
Unit sends “T” Channel/Source status string
Returns Channel/Source status response string
SV Request AV status Unit sends “V” Audio status string
RS-232 Control
R4= RS-232 Control 0=Disable
1=Enable (default)
R5= Baud Rate 1=300 6=9600 (default)
2=600 7=19.2K
3=1200 8=38.4
4=2400 9=57.6
5=4800 10=115.2K
R6= Comm Parameters 0=8,N,1 (default) 11=8,M,1
1=8,0,1 12=8,S,1
2=8,E,1 13=7,M,1
3=8,N,2 14=7,S,1
A carriage return is required at the end of each command and is assumed in all examples. The ‘=’ sign for
parameters may be omitted if desired, though it is helpful for clarity in checking programming.
Terminal Communication Commands
EF Echo Off Characters received will not be re-transmitted (power up default).
EN Echo On Characters received will be re-transmitted.
Example: ‘>EN’ Characters received will be re-transmitted.
ID Product ID Returns the product model number and firmware version.
Z! Zap Reconfigures unit for all factory default settings.