Q-See QSD9004V DVR User Manual

User Manual
ge transmitted from motion detection alarm of DVR. Please clear the images you have received as
soon as possible to avoid overloading your email account. For detailed SMTP protocols settings
refer to the below picture 5-35A. PTZ Setup Mobile
Mobile Phone Access
The DVR is currently compatible with mobile phones running Windows Mobile and Symbian operating
systems on 3G networks.
Before you can access the DVR from a mobile phone you need to setup the Network Configuration on
the DVR. Go to section 5.2.3 Network Setup on page 14 of the product manual for instructions on how to do
this. You also need to go to the Main Menu then Devices then Mobile and enter your user name and
password, and set the Server Port to 18600. This port also needs to be forwarded to the IP address of the
DVR along with the ports from 5.2.3 Network Setup.
Explanation: You can only see one channel at a time when viewing from a mobile phone. The
Enter into [Main menuDevice PTZ Setup] to select
the channel you want to control and set PTZ protocol
(Pelco-D or Pelco-P), Baud Rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600),
Stop bit (1, 2), Parity Check (None, Odd, Even Mark Space),
Address Code and Cruise status respectively. Please note
the above mentioned channel settings must match the
settings of the PTZ camera.
Click [Main menuDeviceMobile] to enter into [Mobile]
User Name: indicate user name of DVR.
User password: indicate user password of DVR
Server port: Mobile monitoring port. Setting range is between
1024 and 65535. Please note that
Explanation: Please connect DVR to Internet before
setting DVR port number and the server port no is not equal to
network menus.
Picture 5-37
Picture 5
Picture 5-36