Playing Movies 13
When setting up MovieMate, keep these considerations in mind:
■ Make sure you don’t block the air vents on the sides.
■ Make sure you place MovieMate within 10 feet of an electrical outlet, power strip, or
extension cord.
■ Do not tilt MovieMate more than 15 degrees.
Wall and Projection Screen Recommendations
To optimize viewing of MovieMate images on a wall in your home or on an optional
projection screen, follow the recommendations in this section.
Viewing on a Wall
You can easily view MovieMate’s high quality images on any flat white wall in your home.
There is no cost or setup involved, and you can project and resize the image up to any size
that fits on your wall. To enhance the image quality even further, you may want to paint the
wall with projection paint that is specially designed for optimum reflectivity and contrast in
your viewing environment.
Viewing on a Projection Screen
If you don’t have a suitable wall in your home or want a professional quality viewing
experience, you can use a projection screen. These screens have optical coatings with special
reflective properties that enhance brightness, contrast, and sharpness as well as providing a
frame around the image.
Projection screens are available in many shapes, sizes, mounting styles, colors, and surface
qualities, as described below.
Considering Screen Shape and Size
In a home theater setting—for watching DVD movies, HDTV broadcasts, or other
widescreen content—the best screen shape ratio is 16:9, where the width is almost twice the
height. Most DVD movies and HDTV broadcasts will fill the screen vertically and
horizontally for maximum impact. The most popular sizes are from 45 to 100 inches