FireBall™ DVDM-100 User’s Manual
Optional Password Protection enables you to limit user access to the Setup Menus. This is useful to
lockout the ability to change the global user settings and preferences.
Setting a System Password – Follow these steps to setup a new system
1. Using the remote control, enter a 4 to 8 digit code into the password field.
2. Press the SELECT key to highlight the VERIFY field.
3. Re-enter the same password for verification.
4. Press the SELECT key to highlight the SAVE button.
5. Press SELECT again to save your password and enable Password Protection
on the Setup Menus.
• YoumustexitSetupandre-entersetuptoactivatethepasswordprotection.
• Ifauserpasswordisspecified,youwillbepromptedforyourpasswordwheneveryoupress
the Setup key on the remote.
• Ifthepasswordenteredmatchesthestoredpassword,fullaccessisgrantedtotheuseruntil
the next power off cycle.
• Ifthepassworddoesnotmatch,theuserwillbeasked2moretimestoenterthecorrect
password. If after the third try the password still does not match, the system will not allow the
user access to the Setup menus.
• IftheuserdoesnotspecifyaSystemPassword,accesstotheSetupmenuswillbeallowed
whenever you press the Setup key.
Removing a System Password – Follow these steps to remove the system
1. Press the SETUP key and enter your existing system password.
2. Highlight the CLEAR button on screen and press the SELECT key on your
3. The password and verify fields will be cleared.
4. Highlight the SAVE button and press SELECT.