Services can be grouped in the favourite list. To add a service to a
group in the favourite list, the Configuration Service box or the
Service Organising menu in the main menu can be used.
(Refer to the related item for a more detailed description).
To select the “Favourite Service” list, press the GREEN button with
the service list displayed.
In the Network Service mode, the service list is organised according
to the network to which a service belongs.
To select the “Network Service” list, press the YELLOW button with
the service list displayed.
Whenever the YELLOW button is pressed in the “Network Service”
mode, the cursor will be toggled between the network name column
and the service name column.
When the cursor is in the network name list, the desired network
can be selected using the button.
All services belonging to the selected network will be listed in the
service name column.
In the Alphabetical Service mode, the list of services is given
alphabetically according to the service name.
To select the Alphabetical Service list, press the BLUE button with
the service list displayed.
Whenever the BLUE button is pressed in the Alphabetical Service
list, the cursor will be toggled between the alphabet character
column and the service name column.
When the cursor is in the alphabet character list, the desired
alphabet character can be selected using the button.
All services with the selected alphabet character as a first character
in the service name will be listed in the service name column.
Function Guide
Service Network
Service Favourite
Service Alphabetical