
4.1.2 A Range of Cylinders
You copy a range of cylinders by identifying the device address or VOL1 label of
the source and target in the IXFP SNAP command. In addition, the decimal start
cylinder (scyl) and end cylinder (-scyl) or number of cylinders (,ncyl) are
specified in parentheses and appended to the source specification. Optionally,
the target start cylinder (tcyl) can be included to specify where copying is to start
on the target device.
To illustrate, we use two volumes: PATEV1 and PATEV2. The device addresses
of these volumes are 80E and 80F, respectively. To copy cylinders 0 through 999
in the first volume onto the second volume, issue one of the following
IXFP SNAP,80E(0000-0999):80F,NOPROMPT
IXFP SNAP,80E(0000,1000):80F,NOPROMPT
You specify the target start-cylinder (tcyl) to relocate the range of cylinders on
the target volume. Indicate target start-cylinder 1000 to relocate the range of
cylinders on the target volume. You can issue one of the following modified
IXFP SNAP,80E(0000-0999):80F(1000),NOPROMPT
IXFP SNAP,80E(0000,1000):80F(1000),NOPROMPT
You may or may not include the NOPROMPT parameter to prevent or allow
decision-type messages (see Figure 13 on page 22).
If the source is identified by its VOLID, it must be either the only volume with
that VOLID or the only VOLUME with that VOLID which is up (DVCUP).
Otherwise an error message will be issued.
The target device must be down (DVCDN) before you initiate the volume
snap, except when the source and the target device are the same device.
If the target device is identified by its VOLID, it must be either the only
volume with that VOLID or the only volume with that VOLID which is down
(DVCDN). Otherwise an error message will be issued.
The highest (end) cylinder number must not exceed 32767 or the maximum
number of cylinders of the devices. The start cylinder number must not be
greater than the end cylinder number.
You cannot use the VOL1 parameter when copying cylinder ranges.
Cylinder range copying is done unconditionally within the specified or
assumed boundaries. VSE does not perform any VTOC checking on the
specified target device and thus does not provide any warning messages
regarding overlapping extents or secured or unexpired files.
Chapter 4. IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA 23