5 - 16
5.4 Dedicated Instruction Processing Time
Indicates the dedicated instruction processing time (time from when an instruction is
issued until a reply is received).
5.4.1 Master station local station
(1) Master station local station
Indicates the time from when the master station issues an instruction until it
receives a reply from a local station.
(a) For reading
MB = [SM + LS × 2 + α + SL + LS × 2 + {(No. of reading points + 16)/16}
× LS + β + constant bps] × N [ms]
SM : Master station sequence scan time
SL : Local station sequence scan time
LS : Link scan time (Refer to section 5.2)
α : Send end internal processing time
No. of reading points 1 to 120 points 121 to 240 points 241 to 360 points 361 to 480 points
α LS LS × 2 LS × 3 LS × 4
β : Receive end internal processing time
[Constant bps]
Transmission speed 156kbps 625kbps 2.5Mbps 5Mbps 10Mbps
constant bps LS LS × 2 LS × 4 LS × 6 LS × 7
N : No. of execution instructions simultaneously
1 : Raise the decimals to a unit
(Example) When master station sequence scan time is 10ms, local station sequence
scan time is 10ms, link scan time is 5ms, no. of reading points is 20 words,
transmission speed is 10Mbps, no. of execution instructions simultaneously
is 1
MB = [SM + LS × 2 + α + SL + LS × 2 + {(No. of reading points + 16)/16}
× LS + β + constant bps] × N
= [10 + 5 × 2 + 5 + 10 + 5 × 2 + {(20 + 16)/16}
× 5 + 5 + 5 × 7] × 1
= [10 + 5 × 2 + 5 + 10 + 5 × 2 + 3 × 5 + 5 + 5 × 7] × 1
= 100 [ms]