Mitsubishi Electronics AJ61QBT11 Home Theater Server User Manual

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3.5.2 Buffer memory details
The details of each item shown in Table 3.4 of Section 3.5.1 is described.
(1) Parameter information area
The conditions to perform data link is set.
Also, these can be registered in the E
Table 3.5 Parameter information area list
Hex. Dec.
Item Description Default
0H 0 (Prohibited to use)
1H 1
Number of connected
Set the number of connected remote/local station modules.
(including reserved stations)
2H 2 Number of retries Set the number of retries to the communication faulty station. 3
3H 3
Number of automatic
return modules
Set the number of remote/local stations modules that can
return with 1 link scan.
4H 4 (Prohibited to use)
5H 5 (Prohibited to use)
6H 6
Operation specification
when CPU is down
Specify the data-link status when there is a master station
programmable controller CPU error.
0 (Stop)
7H to FH 7 to 15 (Prohibited to use)
10H to 13H 16 to 19
Reserved station
Set a reserved station. 0 (No specification)
14H to 17H 20 to 23
Invalid station
Specify an invalid station. 0 (No specification)
18H to 1FH 24 to 31 (Prohibited to use)
20H to 5FH 32 to 95 Station information Set the connected remote/local station type.
Station type: Remote I/O
Number of occupied
stations: 1
Station numbers: 1 to 64
Do not write to areas that are prohibited to use. An error may occur.
(a) Number of connected modules
This sets the number of remote/local station modules connected to the
master station (including reserved stations).
This is not a station count.
The setting range is "1 to 64 (modules)."
The station information (address 20H to 5FH) for the specified "number of connected" stations
becomes valid.
(b) Number of retries
This sets the number of retries to the remote/local station with a data link
The setting range is "1 to 7 (times)."
If the remote/local station cannot recover a normal data link after
performing specified number of retries, the station becomes a "data-link
faulty station."