6 To stop play, press .
Play favorite songs
On NP3900, you may wish to listen to certain
songs from different artists, albums, and
genres. Add the songs to [Favorites].
1 Go to a list of songs.
2 On the remote control, press FAVORITE
to add current song to [Favorites].
Or, press FAVORITE when listening
to a song.
A list of favorite songs is created
under [Media Library] > [Favorites].
HOMEon the remote control.
favorite songs under [Media Library]>
To remove a favorite song from
» Select the song in [Media Library] >
[Favorites]. Press FAVORITE on the
remote control.
Library on a UPnP server
On the computers (UPnP servers), the
supplied software Media Browser or
TwonkyMedia Server can access music
libraries that are organized by different media
management software, including Windows
Media Player 11 and iTunes.
iTunes is the a trademark of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Stream from a UPnP server
On NP3900, play a music library that is
streamed from a UPnP server (a computer on
the home Wi-Fi/wired network).
1 Ensure that the UPnP server is connected
to the home Wi-Fi/wired network.
2 On NP3900, press LIBRARY on the
remote control.
Or, from Home screen, select
[Media Library].
3 Select a music library.
» You can see the categories by which
the music is sorted (e.g. Artist, Album,
4 Select your desired track or album.
5 Press to start play.
Play starts from the beginning of the
album, if you press
on an album.
Play screen appears when play starts
(see ‘Your NP3900’->’Overview’-
>’Play screen’).