Compatible Modes
The LCD supports the following display modes:
Display Mode Resolution Pixel Clock (MHz) H Frequency
V Frequency
VGA 640×350 25.2 31.5 70
VBA(PC-98) 640×400 25.2 31.5 70
VGA 640×480 25.2 31.5 60
VGA 720×400 28.3 31.5 70
VESA VGA 640×480 31.5 37.9 72
VESA VGA 640×480 31.5 37.5 75
VESA SVGA 800×600 36.0 35.2 56
VESA SVGA 800×600 40.0 37.9 60
VESA SVGA 800×600 50.0 48.1 72
VESA SVGA 800×600 49.5 46.9 75
VESA XGA 1024×768 65.0 48.4 60
VESA XGA 1024×768 75.0 56.5 70
VESA XGA 1024×768 78.8 60.0 75
XGA 1024×768 78.4 57.7 72
VESA 1152×864 108.0 67.5 75
720p 1280×720 74.3 45.0 60
Wide 1280×768 81.0 48.0 60
Wide 1280×768 103.0 60.2 75
VESA 1280×960 108.0 60.0 60
VESA XGA 1280×1024 108.0 63.9 60
VESA XGA 1280×1024 124.9 74.4 70
VESA XGA 1280×1024 135.0 79.9 75
SXGA 1280×1024 134.6 77.9 72
MAC13" MODE 640×480 30.2 35.0 67
MAC16" MODE 832×624 57.3 49.7 75
MAC19" MODE 1024×768 80.0 60.2 75
MAC21" MODE 1152×780 100.0 68.7 75
※ The recommended resolution is 1280×768 pixels. If the graphic card does not support
1280×768, we suggest 1024×768.
※ The recommended vertical refresh rate (frequency) is 60Hz.
※ Signals outside the aforementioned range are sometimes displayable.
※ Adjustment is still necessary to obtain the best image display when the recommended
resolution is used.