TheCABLE CHAN function lets you
program to which channel the TV
will automatically tune when you
press the SAT.CABLE button on the
remote. This !s handy if you want to
connect a satellite receiver or other
satellite receiver, or if your cable
company requires you to connect a
cable box to your TV. You will no
longer have to remember the output
channel of the RCA DSS® receiver or
cable box because the TV will
remember for you.
For example, if you connect a cable
box to the TV's CABLE/ANTENNA
connector (as shown on page 31),
you will no longer have to remember
to select channel 2, 3, or 4 on the TV
to see what's coming from the cable
• box. By entering the cable box's
output channel (usually 02, 03, or 04)
next to the CABLE CHAN function,
the TVwill automatically tune to that
channel each time you press the
SAT, CABLE button on the remote.
This function is especially convenient
if yonhave a remote-controllable
cable box that can be operated by the
SAT.CABLE button on the remote (as
described on page 33). Pressing the
SAT,CABLE button will then not only
switch the remote to cable mode but
will also automatically tune the TV to
the proper channel for viewing the
picture from the cable box.
-Setting Up Cable Box Channel (with or without remote)
1. Repeatedly press MENUopROG to
select the SETUP MENU, and then
press + or - to display the setup
functions, Repeatedly press
MENUopROG to select the CABLE
CHAN function.
3. Press the + button to program the
channel number you selected into
the CABLE CHAN function memory.
Note: Pressing the - button here will
turn off this feature and display
Enter the channel number you want to
program by pressing two digit buttons
on the remote control. (The channel
number you enter is the channel to
which the TV will tune automatically
when you later press the SAT.CABLE
button on the remote.) The TV will
change to the channel you select.
This will help you to confirm that it is
indeed the channel you want the TV
to automatically tune. Most cable
boxes output their signals on either
channel 02, 03, or 04.