You can erase data in the storage media, like USB memory stick, CD-RW, or
When you are to use USB memory stick, after connecting USB storage to USB
port of front side, click “MEDIA ERASE” button to erase data.
It is recommended to backup important data stored in USE storage before
using this function.
When you are to use CD-RW or DVD-RW, after inserting media to DVD recorder,
click “MEDIA ERASE” button to erase data.
The backup process is not started if you specify invalid starting and ending
※ The backup period cannot exceed 24 hours.
※ The USB memory stick should be formatted as FAT32.
※ When AVI backup, if there are different resolution or frame rate exist, the AVI
files are separated at each changed position.
※ Maximum size of backup data is depends on the storage media to be used. In case
of USB memory stick, only free space is used. (But, in case of AVI backup, the
maximum file size is limited to 2GB.), up to 700MB for CD-RW, and up to 4.7GB
for DVD-RW.
※ In case of FILE-SYSTEM backup, data files are separated as 127MB unit, in the
other hand, single file is used for AVI backup.
※ If data contained at CD-RW or DVD-RW media, old data are removed and new data
will be written.
※ If there’s duplicated data at the same time stamp, you can select specific data
position with the dialog box as below. Select data position with spin box, and
then click “OK” button to start back up. The older data is the smaller number.
※ The other functions do not work when backup is running.
※ Bigger number of duplicated data stands for more recent data.
Do not remove USE memory stick when backup is running.