HPM-2002-OBEVacuum Gauge Page 33 of 39
Baud Rate
B_2.4, B_4.8, B_9.6, B_19.2, B_38.4, B_57.6, B_125, B_250, B_500
The baud rate is given in kbaud. For example, B_9.6 corresponds to a 9600 baud.
Note: There is no equivalent RS232/485 command.
Data Bits/Parity Bits/Stop Bits
8n1, 8n2, 7n2, 7E1, 7E2, 7o1, 7o2, 701, 702, 711,712
The first character, “8” corresponds to the number of data bits. (e.g. 7 or 8).
Second character, “n” corresponds to the parity bit. (e.g. n- no parity, E- even parity, o- odd parity, 0-
space, 1- mark)
The last character, “1” corresponds to the number of stop bits. (e.g. 1 or 2)
Note: There is no equivalent RS232/485 command.
Turnaround Delay
dt00, dt01, ...dtFE, dtFF
The turnaround delay is unique to multipoint communications. It is the delay between receipt of an
incoming command to transmission of the response. Each increase in the hex value corresponds to an
increase in the delay time of approximately 8 ms.
Decimation Ratio
5F, 6F, …, FF
The decimation ratio can be used to set the amount of sampling which is performed by the HPM-2002-
OBE’s A/D converters. The higher the value of the hex number, the more sampling takes place before the
pressure reading is updated. More sampling leads to more stability of pressure readings particularly below 1
mTorr. However, the increased sampling increases the response time of the gauge to sudden pressure
Save EEPROM stores the calibration parameters which are in the HPM-2002-OBE’s CPU into the HPM-
2002-OBE’s CPU board’s EEPROM. The CPU board’s EEPROM is not the HPM-2002s tube EEPROM.
The CPU board EEPROM stores the gauge setup (baud rate, parity, address, set points, gas selection, etc.).
The HPM-2002s tube EEPROM stores the tube’s calibration parameters.
Restore EEPROM
Restore EEPROM transfers the setup from the HPM-2002-OBE’s CPU board’s EEPROM into the HPM-
2002-OBE’s CPU.