HPM-2002-OBEVacuum Gauge Page 34 of 39
Restore Calibration
Restore Calibration transfers the calibration from the HPM-2002s tube EEPROM into the HPM-2002-
Restore Factory Defaults
The Restore Factory Default command is used to place calibration parameters into the CPU. From this
point the gauge can be calibrated. After calibration, the calibration parameters are stored in the HPM-2002s
tube’s EEPROM.
Software Reset
This command performs a complete reboot of the HPM-2002-OBE. The CPU is reset and the tube’s
calibration parameters are loaded.
5.2. Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my display read, “Err1”?
This message indicates that an error has occurred during transfer of data between the HPM-2002-OBE’s
CPU and the sensor tube’s EEPROM where the calibration coefficients are stored. If this error occurs during
initial startup, then the factory default calibration coefficients will be automatically loaded. The factory
defaults are often not accurate (typically ±50% or greater), however they allow the user to calibrate the
gauge. If the sensor tube’s EEPROM cannot communicate with the CPU, then any new calibration will be
lost when the gauge power is disconnected.
Sensor tube EEPROM performance can be verified by use of the RESTORE FACTORY DEFAULTS and
the RESTORE CALIBRATION commands in the following manner. After calibration, use the RESTORE
FACTORY DEFAULTS command. The pressure reading will shift dramatically. Immediately use the
RESTORE CALIBRATION command. The pressure reading will return to the calibration value if the tube
EEPROM communication is working properly. See the advanced setup guide (Section 5.1) for more
Why does my display read, “Err2”?
This message indicates that an error has occurred in the CPU’s EEPROM where the set points, gas number,
and communication port settings are stored. If this error occurs during initial startup, then the factory default
values for these settings will be in effect. CPU EEPROM performance can be verified by use of the
RESTORE EEPROM command. See the advanced setup guide (Section 5.1) for more information.
Caution: Use of the SAVE EEPROM command at this time will overwrite all previously stored values with
default values.
Note: An “Err2” message is a exceedingly rare occurrence. If this error occurs then the CPU’s EEPROM is
most likely defective.
Why does my display read, “Err4”?
This message indicates that a communications error has occurred between the HPM-2002-OBE and a data
acquisition computer. This error is associated with the serial interface (RS232/485) and can indicate a baud
rate or parity mismatch, a framing error or an overrun condition. The error can also occur if the data
acquisition computer is powered down while the HPM-2002-OBE is still connected.
Modifying as necessary the baud rate, parity, word length and/or the stop bits on either the data acquisition
computer or the HPM-2002-OBE, usually eliminates this error. Many operating systems are shipped with a