Voicemail Pro Page 115
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Configuring Voicemail Pro: Voicemail Pro Preferences
To add a user to VPNM server:
1. In the Users for VPNM Server(s) section, click Add. The Adding a new user window opens.
2. Enter details for the user. All of these details MUST be completed before the user can be added.
· Select the VPIM server from the listing.
· Enter the user's full name. The user's full name is used by the local Voicemail Pro's dial by name feature.
· Enter the user's extension. The local extension number is used as the local mailbox number and so should not
conflict with any existing local number.
· Enter the user's remote extension. The remote extension number should be the user's real extension number.
Typically this and the 'local extension number' are kept the same using a unique extension number dial plan
for the linked systems.
· Enter the user's full telephone number. The full telephone number should be a dialable number that is routed
to the user's extension or mailbox.
3. Click OK to save the details and return to the VPNM configuration window.