Voicemail Pro Page 415
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing IMS Windows Update Causes Voicemail Pro to Stop
Voicemail Pro may stop working due to the lack of system resources when a MS Windows patch is downloaded and is
waiting to be installed. As a result, Windows XP Professional and Windows 2003 servers should either disable Windows
Automatic Update or set it to only Notify.
Windows Updates should be downloaded and installed after peak business hours on a regular basis. This will allow the
installation to be done manually and testing of the update software to be done in a controlled fashion.
This can be done by going to Start | Settings | Control Panel | System then selecting the Automatic Updates tab,
and choosing either Notify Me or Turn Off. Saving IMS Messages Past Housekeeping
Once read, a Voicemail message will be deleted after a period of time defined by the voicemail system administrator, the
default being 30 days (720 hours). IP Office Integrated Messaging Pro clients can save a copy of the message locally by
clicking the Floppy disk icon in the embedded Interface.
When the floppy disk icon has a red cross superimposed, this indicated that the message is not saved. The message will
be removed automatically by housekeeping. Click the icon to save the message.
When the floppy disk icon has a green tick superimposed, the message is set as saved.