Voicemail Pro Page 276
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
6.9.2 Set User Variable
The Set User Variable action sets a variable to a particular value. Other call flows may then use the Test User
Variable action to check whether the variable has a particular value.
· The variable must first be created using the User Defined Variable menu.
To add an Set User Variable action:
· Click the Conditions Actions icon and select Set User Variable.
· Select the Specific tab. Complete the fields with relevant details.
· Assign the following user variable
The name for the user variable.
· With the following value
The value of the variable.
We strongly recommend that this action type is followed by another action (if necessary a
Disconnect action), whose entry prompt confirms to the caller that the value has been set. In
some situations, such as where the Set User Variable action is accessed by the user dialing a
short code, if the user hangs-up too quickly the variable may not actually be set. Having a
following action with a confirmation message encourages users not to hang up too quickly.
For an example of the action in a call flow, see User Defined Variables .