Voicemail Pro Page 372
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office Installing the IMS and Voicemail Pro Software
Do not start to install the IMS software before you have completed the necessary pre-installation checks.
To install the IMS and Voicemail Pro Software:
1.Do not proceed with this process until you have completed the steps in Entering the IMS Licenses .
2.Verify that you are logged in with the IMS account and that the account is a member of the Administrator group on PC
or is a domain Admin.
3.Verify that Outlook is installed and setup for the IMS account and that you can send and receive emails.
4.Insert the IP Office Voicemail Pro CD. The installation should auto-start. If it does not auto-start, click Browse to
locate Setup.exe on the CD and then run it. The Choose Setup Language window opens.
5.Select the installation language. This language is used for the installation and for the default language prompts.
6.Click OK. Installation preparation begins.
7.If the following window below opens, Voicemail Pro is already installed.
7.1.Select Modify and click next to see if IMS has already been installed.
· If IMS and Voicemail Pro have already been installed you will need to upgrade rather than install a new version.
For more information, see Upgrading a Voicemail Pro System .
· If Voicemail Pro has been installed but not IMS, backup the call flow as described in Upgrading a Voicemail Pro
System and then uninstall Voicemail Pro and reboot the PC and proceed with the installation of Voicemail Pro
and IMS.
8.In the Welcome window, click Next. The Customer Information window opens.
9.In the Customer Information window, type a user name and the company name or use the default names that are
proposed. These settings do not affect Voicemail Pro when it is installed.
10.In the same window choose the option that determines who should be able to use Voicemail Pro when it has been
installed. The recommended option is Anyone who uses this computer (all users).
11.In the Customer Information window, click Next.
12.The Choose Destination Location window opens. Unless there are specific reasons for changing the location, the
default setting is recommended. Click Next.
13.The Messaging Components window opens. Select Voicemail Pro (Full) and click Next.
14.The Setup Type window opens. In the Setup Type window, select Custom.
15.Click Next.
16.The Select Features window opens so that you can select which additional Voicemail Pro features to install. For IMS
ensure that the settings are as follows: