Voicemail Pro Page 154
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
4.6 Mailbox Access Controls
With IP Office mailbox owners can control their mailbox and messages in a number of ways after they have logged in to
the mailbox.
· Standard IP Office Mailbox Mode
This is the only mode for Voicemail Lite. Voicemail Pro can also be set to run in this mode. For more information, see
the IP Office Mailbox User Guide.
· Intuity Mailbox Mode
This is the default mode for Voicemail Pro. It provides an IP Office emulation of many of the Avaya Intuity features.
For more information, see the Intuity Mailbox User Guide. For information about switching between IP Office and
Intuity mailbox mode, see Changing Mailbox Operation Mode .
· Phone Manager
The Phone Manager application enables a user to switch voicemail and voicemail ringback on/off. Phone Manager Pro
also provides full visual access to a user's voicemail and allows messages to be played back and controlled through
their PC. For more information, see the Phone Manager User Guide or help.
If a mailbox does not have a recorded name greeting, when that mailbox is accessed to collect messages, the caller is
asked to record their name before proceeding to collect messages. The name greeting is used for functions such as Dial
by Name actions and Intuity mode name lookup (**6).
· Tip: As Voicemail Pro system administrator, you should ensure that mailbox owners have the help and user guide for
their type of mailbox available to them. There is an IP Office User Guide and an Intuity Mailbox User Guide. Both are
available in PDF and online help formats. You can find them on the IP Office Documentation CD or you can download
them from the Avaya knowledge base at www.avaya.com/ipoffice/knowledgebase.
4.6.1 Telephony Operation Mode
All users should be made aware that messages may be automatically deleted after a period of time. If a user does not
want a message to be automatically deleted the message can be saved. Mailbox owners can find out about saving
messages in the user guide for their type of mailbox.
After a user has logged into their mailbox, the Voicemail Pro Server offers two sets of mailbox controls.
· IP Office
This is the default mode used and matches the features of Voicemail Lite.
· Intuity
This is IP Office Intuity emulation mode. Intuity is a mailbox interface used on a range of Avaya voicemail systems. In
Intuity emulation mode, Voicemail Pro supports a range of Intuity features but not all Intuity features. For full details
of those Intuity features supported by Voicemail Pro, refer to the IP Office Intuity Mailbox User Guide.
· If the Regional Setting of the server onto which Voicemail Pro is installed is "English (United States)", Voicemail
Pro defaults to Intuity mailbox operation.
The prompts provided to a mailbox user are determined by the user's Locale setting as set through the IP Office
Manager. Note that on some phones users can change their language setting themselves. Mailbox owners should refer to
the user guide for their type of mailbox. For information about supported languages, see Supported Languages .
All users can use the following default short codes:
· *17 - Access their mailbox from their own extension.
· *18 - Turn voicemail on.
· *19 - Turn voicemail off.
· *48 - Turn voicemail ringback on.
· *49 - Turn voicemail ringback off.
For information about changing to Intuity or IP Office mailbox operation mode, see Changing Mailbox Operation Mode