Voicemail Pro Page 63
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Installing Voicemail Pro: Centralized Voicemail Pro
2.6.3 Licensing
The most commonly seen problem in Centralized Voicemail Pro is misunderstanding the licensing requirements.
· The voicemail licenses are entered on the central IP Office and validated against its Feature Key.
· The remote IP Office systems do not need any voicemail licenses except that for ContactStore if being used.
· By default each IP Office uses a broadcast address to locate a Feature Key Server PC and validate its licenses.
· Once a Feature Key Server has validated licenses with one IP Office it will not do validation for another IP Office
unless rebooted.
Given the above, we strongly recommend that in any multiple IP Office network, the License Server IP Address (
System form > System tab) on each IP Office is set to the specific address of its Feature Key server or blank if using a
serial port Feature Key. If a remote IP Office does not have a Feature Key Server (because it is not using any licenses)
It is important to note also that the Voicemail Pro server will operate for 2 hours without license validation. This can
cause Voicemail Pro and Centralized Voicemail Pro to appear operational following installation and to then stop.