Voicemail Pro Page 120
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office Configuring SMTP Email Settings
For SMTP email, you need to define connections to external SMTP Email Servers. You can define your connections in the
SMTP Email settings tab. Details in the tab vary according to whether IMS or Voicemail Pro Networked Messaging (VPNM)
is installed.
To configure SMTP email settings:
1.Open the Windows Control Panel.
2.Select IP Office Voicemail Pro. The IP Office Voicemail Pro window opens.
3.Click the SMTP Email Settings tab.
4.In the Mail Server box, type the name of the SMTP mail server. This should be the fully qualified domain name.
5.In the Port Number box, type the number of the receiving port on the SMTP mail server. The default is 25.
6.In the Mail Drop box, type the name of the destination folder for outgoing emails on the SMTP Server. This is required
if VPNM is installed. Alternatively click the browse button and select the folder to use.
7.(Optional) To enforce server authentication, check the Server Requires Authentication box. If you check it you also
need to provide the Account Name and Password that need to be entered. You can also choose whether or not to set
the Use Challenge Response Authentication option.
8.Click Check to validate the changes that you have made.
9.Click OK. You are prompted to restart the affected services so that your changes are enabled.
10.Choose Yes. The services that are affected by your changes are automatically stopped and restarted.