BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
90 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC44240I MVS SVC99 error information
Explanation: This message contains information about a specific allocation or
unallocation error detected by the AES application supervisor. If this is a dynamic
allocation error that can be retried, message BMC44240A will follow. Additional
information on the use of dynamic allocation services (SVC99) can be found in the
MVS/ESA Application Development Guide.
System Action: The action taken depends on the routine that detected the error. If
this error is listed in BCFDALIN (a table of correctable BCF dynamic allocation
errors), message BMC44240A will follow.
User Response: If this is a correctable dynamic allocation error, reply to message
BMC44240A when displayed. If a BCFPRINT DD statement is present, the text
units for allocation are provided. Have the information from this message available if
you need to contact BMC Software Product Support for assistance.
Note: You may receive message BMC44240 if two IEFRDER DD statements are
defined for the same job step. This condition may occur because the JCL
procedure (PROC) and the job step JCL contain this statement.
Explanation: A dynamic allocation error that can be retried has occurred. A
message has been sent to the operator, indicating that action needs to taken.
System Action: The system action taken depends on the action you take.
User Response: Reply to the message by issuing one of the following commands:
R Retry dynamic allocation of the data set.
W Force the job into a WAIT state. BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF)
will wait five minutes and then try again to dynamically allocate the data
C Cancel the dynamic allocation request.
Explanation: The execution controller has successfully unallocated the current
IMS log data set(s) identified by ddname. This message is issued only when the
Joblog Messages option was specified as FULL.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.