BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
96 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
Explanation: BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) has encountered an
exception condition during initialization. The error was not considered severe
enough to cause an initialization error.
The message contains a return code (rc) to identify the exception condition and an
optional resource name. When the resource name is included in the message, it
identifies the resource containing the inconsistent or exception specification. The
following return codes are possible:
1 The REGISET contains an options record that specifies a previous version
and release level is not supported by this level of the execution controller.
resource indicates the type of options record.
2 The REGISET contains an options record that specifies an invalid length.
resource indicates the type of options record.
3 The REGISET contains an options record that specifies a previous version
or release level. The format has been converted to the current level. The
conversion may have resulted in higher level defaults being used for options
that did not exist at the prior level. resource indicates the type of options
When present, the resource name identifies the resource associated with the
exception condition. The following resource values are possible:
The inconsistent options record is the system level record.
The inconsistent options record is the job step level record.
The execution controller was unable to delete the log volume record during
restart processing.
System Action: Processing continues after error handling has been completed.
User Response: Correct the record before the next execution of the job step.