BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
426 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC152343D No BRB: RPL(<address>) ACB(<address>) job(<job name>) step(<step
name>). <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
detected a put/update request or a delete request from the application program with
no corresponding backout RPL block (BRB) for this RPL. The message provides the
application program’s RPL address, ACB address, job name, and step name. In most
cases, the application program is in error.
System Action: If this message indicates an application program error, the job step
continues. If the message indicates a logic error in the VSAM component, processing
User Response: If an application error occurred, correct the problem and rerun the
job step. If a logic error occurred in the VSAM component, contact BMC Software
Product Support and provide the message text.
BMC152350I DSN: <data set name>. <subsysid>
Explanation: This message accompanies a previously issued message to identify
the data set name.
System Action: See the previous message.
User Response: See the previous message.
BMC152351I Backout log SSID DDN(AES$ssid) not found. <subsysid>
Explanation: No DD statement was found for ddname AES$ssid, where ssid is
the name of the subsystem performing the search.
System Action: Processing continues; however, dynamic backout logging for this
job step is not performed by the indicated subsystem.
User Response: If you want dynamic backout logging to be performed by this
subsystem, make sure that an AES$ssid DD statement is present in the job step JCL
or is allocated dynamically.
BMC152354W Backout logging requested for non-MVS/ESA system (<level>).
Explanation: Dynamic backout logging has been requested for a job step
running on a non-MVS/ESA system. An MVS/ESA system is required. The
operating system level is displayed.
System Action: Processing continues without dynamic backout logging.
User Response: If you want dynamic backout logging to be performed, run the job
step on an MVS/ESA system.