BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC152300–BMC152399 427
BMC152355W Job(<job name>) Step(<step name>). <subsysid>
Explanation: This message accompanies message BMC152354W and identifies
the job name and step name for dynamic backout logging.
System Action: See message BMC15354W.
User Response: See message BMC15354W.
BMC152356S Internal error, R0(<feedback code>) R15(<return code>). Step abending
with abend code U356. <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
has detected an internal logic error.
System Action: The job step abends with the indicated feedback code and return
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support, and provide the feedback
code and return code values.
BMC152357S DCB Abend Exit invoked by <abend code> abend. Dynamic backout
logging aborted. <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
detected an abend while processing the log. The backout log may be too small to
hold all log records.
System Action: Accompanying messages indicate the action taken.
User Response: If you cannot find an error, contact BMC Software Product
BMC152358S VSAM LOGGING COMPONENT abending job step with U358 abend.
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
has detected an unrecoverable error and has issued an abnormal termination for this
job step.
System Action: The job step terminates with a user 358 abend and a dump.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC152360I <ddname> <data set name> will be logged. <subsysid>
Explanation: The identified data set has been qualified for job step backout
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.