BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC44200–BMC44299 85
Explanation: An attempt to read the REGISET failed when BATCH CONTROL
FACILITY (BCF) attempted to read job information from the REGISET.
The type value indicates the type of record being written to the REGISET. The
following values are possible:
1 system level option record
2 job step level option record
3 execution control record
4 primary log data set record
5 secondary log data set record
System Action: The actions taken by BCF depend both on the function that detects
the error and on how the execution options are specified.
User Response: Correct and resubmit the job. For a discussion of the actions taken,
see the section on the REGISET in the Application Enhancement Solutions
Installation Guide. Have the job log data set available if you need to contact BMC
Software Product Support for assistance.
Explanation: A conditional request for virtual storage failed. The function
requesting the storage is identified in the message. The action taken by the function
depends on the function and execution options. The following function codes are
1 The DL/I statistic collection routine could not obtain working storage. The
statistics collection function terminates.
2 Storage could not be obtained for the dynamic log. If the dynamic log type
is specified as
DSPACE, the request for an MVS/ESA data space fails.
3 Storage could not be obtained for the print data set work area.
4 Storage could not be obtained to open the log data set for read processing.
The reason code (rc) is the return code passed by
GETMAIN. Register 15 contains the
System Action: If possible, processing continues with reduced functions.
User Response: For function code 2, verify that your installation allows batch jobs
to obtain MVS/ESA data spaces of the size required. If the dynamic log is requested
in extended private memory, verify that your installation allows a batch job to obtain
the amount of storage requested from extended private memory. Determine the
amount of storage needed for the dynamic log using the following formula:
(log blksize x #blks for dynamic log) = dynamic log size