BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
396 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC151062W AESISSI0 was not located. IMS components will not be available.
Explanation: An initialization module was not located.
System Action: Processing continues, but IMS data sets are bypassed.
User Response: Ensure that the product was installed correctly, and contact BMC
Software Product Support if necessary.
BMC151063S Default Subsystem Token Address is zero. <bcssid>
Explanation: The default Subsystem Token Address is zero.
System Action: Processing stops.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC151064I Non-IMS products are not licensed. Non-IMS components will not be
available. <bcssid>
Explanation: An attempt to use a non-IMS component has failed because
non-IMS products are not licensed.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: If you need the functions of the non-IMS components, obtain and
install a CPU authorization password for the product you need. If you do not need
the functions of the non-IMS components, no action is required.
BMC151065I IMS products are not licensed. IMS components will not be available.
Explanation: An attempt to use an IMS component has failed because IMS
products are not licensed.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: If you need the functions of the IMS components, obtain and
install a CPU authorization password for the product you need. If you do not need
the functions of the IMS components, no action is required.
BMC151066W <module name> was not located. The ARV components will not be
available. <bcssid>
Explanation: An initialization module was not located.
System Action: Processing continues, but services that require VSAM components
of Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) are not available.
User Response: Ensure that the product was installed correctly, and contact BMC
Software Product Support if necessary.