BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Abend Codes 17
U4019 The BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) Log utility detected a nonzero return
code from an MVS system service. See message BMC48019I for additional
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: Verify the existence of the data set associated with the named DD
statement. Have the utility job log data set available if you need to contact BMC
Software Product Support for assistance.
U4020 The BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) Log utility detected a nonzero return
code from an MVS system service. See message BMC48020I for additional
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: The control statement containing the request was printed to the
SYSPRINT data set. Include the necessary DD statements in the job step JCL for
proper utility execution.
U4025 The BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) Log utility detected an invalid data set
organization for one of the data sets used as input or output to the utility. See
message BMC48025I for additional information.
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: Correct the data set named in the message. Data sets used by the
BCF Log utility must have a physical sequential organization.
OCREATE function received
an incomplete request. See message BMC48027I for additional information.
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: The
OCREATE function must be provided with a unit of work
(UOW) identifier representing the unique batch message processing program (BMP)
execution desired. This is necessary to prevent incorrect extraction of update records
for BMPs that are scheduled in parallel.
Use the BCF Log utility
FIND function to obtain a list of program specification block
(PSB) executions and the necessary UOW identifier.
U4033 The BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) Log utility control statement processor
detected an error in a control statement. See message BMC48033I for additional
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: Correct the control statement in error. The control statement is
listed following message BMC48033I.