
C122-E003-02EN 4-1
CHAPTER 4 CLI Operations
This chapter describes operations performed to run and manage the PRIMEQUEST-
series machine via the command line interface (CLI).
4.1 Basic CLI Operations
This section describes the command line interface (CLI) provided with the MMB.
The CLI can be accessed in either of the following two ways:
z Through the MMB serial port
z From a remote PC via the MMB management LAN
4.1.1 Access through the serial interface
1 Connect the MMB to the user terminal (e.g., notebook PC) with an RS-232C
cross cable.
2 Launch the terminal software (e.g., Windows HyperTerminal) on the
terminal, and set up the terminal software as follows.
Table 4.1 Setting items of terminal software
3 Enter a user name and password to log in when the login prompt is displayed.
Setting item Value
Bits per second 19200
Data bit 8
Parity None
Stop bit 1
Flow control None
Emulation VT100