Administration Tasks
94 EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
is currently in effect.
After you initially set the time, turning DST on or
off will adjust the current displayed time by one
hour in the appropriate direction.
You must remember to change the DST option
each spring and fall – it will not change
You can use this field to specify an easy-to-
remember name for the HM210dp/di. The next
time you want to access the Configuration
Manager, you can type this name in the location
box in your Web browser, instead of typing the
numeric IP address. For example, if you entered
myrouter in this field (and left the Domain Name
field blank) then you could type the following in
your Web browser to access the Configuration
(Note! This will only work if you are using the
HM210dp/di’s DNS relay feature. This feature is
automatically enabled when the DNS server
address configured on your PCs is also the
address assigned to the LAN port on the
Domain Name:
You can use this field to specify and Internet
domain name for the HM210dp/di. The next time
you access the Configuration Manager, you can
type the domain name and the device name (see
the Name field above) in your Web browser. For
example, if you entered myrouter iin the Name
field and mydomain.com in the Domain Name
field, then you would type the following in your
Web browser to access the Configuration
3. When you are finished modifying the settings, click the Submit
4. Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click the Commit button to
save your changes to permanent storage.
12.2 Configuring User Names and Passwords
The first time you log into the Configuration Manager, you use the default
User ID and Password (root and root). The system allows two levels of
privilege: Root and User. Root privilege allows you to change and commit
the device’s settings while user privilege is provided with read-only access