Hardware Description and Installation
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
An Ethernet hub/switch if you are connecting the device to more
than one computer.
For system configuration using the built-in Configuration Manager
program you need a web browser such as Internet Explorer v5.0 or
later, or Netscape v5.0 or later.
2.2 Physical Appearance
2.2.1 Front Panel and LED Indicators
The front panel of the HM210dp/di contains five control lamps (LEDs) that
indicate the status of the modem. A general description of each LED is
provided in the table below (from left to right):
Figure 1 - Front Panel of HM210dp
Label Status/Description
PWR On: Unit is powered on.
Off: Unit is powered off.
DIAG Flashes on/off at boot-up to indicate that the device
software is operational. Turns off after 10-15 seconds.
LAN On: Ethernet link established and active.
Off: No Ethernet link detected.
ACT Flashes when ADSL data activity occurs. May appear
solid when data traffic is heavy.
DSL On: ADSL link established and active.
Off: No ADSL link detected.
Table 1 - Description of LEDs