Administration Tasks
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
12.5 Modifying Port Settings
The modem’s HTTP/Telnet/FTP services are accessible using the standard
port number 80, 23 and 21 respectively. It is possible that you want to
designate a publicly accessible HTTP, Telnet or FTP server on your LAN
side and you want to shift the modem’s HTTP/Telnet/FTP service to use a
non-standard port number. If this is the case, select Admin > Port
Settings to view the Port Settings page:
Modify the port settings and click the Submit button.
Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click the Commit button to save
your changes to permanent storage.
12.5.1 Accessing a Server with a Non-Standard Port Number
If you set the modem’s embedded HTTP/Telnet/FTP server to use a non-
standard port number, when access from the external world, the IP address
should be followed by a colon and the non-standard port number, as shown
in the following example for a HTTP server (i.e. the Web-based
Configuration Manager):
where is the modem’s WAN IP address and 61000 is the non-
standard port number for HTTP that you specified in the Port Settings page.