Configuring IP Routes
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
6.3 Adding IP Routes
To add an IP route to the routing table, follow the steps below:
1. Select Routing > IP Route > Add. The IP Route – Add page
2. Specify the destination, netmask, and gateway or next hop for this
route. For a description of these fields, refer to the table on the
previous page.
To create a route that defines the default gateway for your LAN,
enter in both the Destination and Netmask fields. Enter
your ISP’s IP address in the Gateway/NextHop field.
NOTE! You cannot specify the interface name, route type or route
origin. These parameters are used only for routes that are identified
automatically as the device communicates with other routing
devices. For routes you create, the routing table displays system
default values in these fields.
3. Click the Submit button. The IP routing Table will now display the
new route.
4. Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click the Commit button to
save your changes to permanent storage.