Configuring IP Routes
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
data intelligently. If it cannot determine which of these devices provides a
good next hop (because no such route has been defined), then that device
will forward the data to its default gateway. Eventually, a high level device,
using a predefined IP route, will be able to forward the data along a path to
its destination.
6.2 Viewing the IP Routing Table
All IP-enabled computers and routers maintain a table of IP addresses that
are commonly accessed by their users. For each of these destination IP
addresses, the table lists the IP address of the first hop the data should
take. This table is known as the device’s routing table.
To view the HM210dp/di routing table, select Routing > IP Route. The
following page appears:
The IP Route Table displays a row for each existing route. These include
routes that were predefined on the device, routes you may have added,
and routes that the device has identified automatically through
communication with other devices.
The routing table should reflect a default gateway, which directs outbound
Internet traffic to your ISP. This default gateway is shown in the row
containing destination address
The following table defines the fields in the IP Routing table: