Configuring NAT
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
button to reset the statistics to zeros and the Refresh button to display
newly accumulated data.
8.4 Viewing Current NAT Translations
To view a list of NAT translations that have recently been performed and
which remain in effect (for any of the defined rules), select Services > NAT
and select NAT Translations in the NAT Options drop-down list The NAT
Translations page appears:
For each current NAT translation session, the table contains the following
Field Description
Trans Index The sequential number assigned to the IP session
used by this NAT translation session.
Rule ID The ID of the NAT rule invoked.
Interface The device interface on which the NAT rule was
invoked (from the rule definition).
Protocol The IP protocol used by the data packets that are
undergoing translations (from the rule definition).
Example: TCP, UDP, ICMP.
Alg Type The Application Level Gateway (ALG), if any, that
was used to enable this NAT translation. (ALGs are
special settings that certain applications require in