Configuring DHCP
50 EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
1. Select LAN > DHCP Relay. The DHCP Relay Configuration page
This page provides a text box for entering the IP address of your
ISP’s DHCP server and a table that lists the interfaces on your
HM210dp/di that can relay DHCP information.
2. Type the IP address of your ISP’s DHCP server in the fields
If you do not have this address, it is not essential to enter it.
Requests for IP information from your LAN will be passed to the
default gateway, which should route the request appropriately.
3. If the interface named eth-0 is not already displaying, select it from
the dropdown list and click Add in the “Action” column.
4. Click the Submit button. A page appears to confirm your changes
and then the program returns to the DHCP Relay Configuration
5. Follow the instructions in the next section to enable the DHCP
Relay mode.
7.4.2 Enabling DHCP Relay Mode
To enable the DHCP relay mode follow the steps below:
1. Select LAN > DHCP Mode and from the “DHCP Mode” dropdown
list select DHCP Relay. Click the Submit button.