Chapter 1, Gateway Features 7
Support for Multiple Gateway Instances
POST Operations (PCONTEXT)
In a POST operation, the CGI posts to the gateway instance specified by a
hidden variable on an HTML form. Each POST operation to a gateway CGI in
an HTML form must use the PCONTEXT directive so that CGIs can pass the
gateway instance to the next page and maintain the state.
For CGI invocations using a POST, put <!-- PCONTEXT --> at the beginning of a
line, as shown in Example 1.3.
Example 1.3 Specifying PCONTEXT in an HTML Form
<form method=post action=/dsgw/bin/dosearch>
<input type=hidden name=dn value=””>
<!-- PCONTEXT -->
See Also
“Context-Related Directives” on page 93
URLs for Gateway Access
The URL customers use to access a 4.0 gateway differs from the URL customers
use to access a 3.x gateway.
Release 4.0
To get to a 4.0 gateway, users enter the following URL:
The default gateway and Directory Express are available from the page for the
Netscape Administration server (http://host:port)
Release 3.x
To get to a 3.x gateway, users enter the following URL: