Modifying Default Search Filters
66 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
The syntax in Example 6.6 specifies a list of filters for searching attributes in the
orgRole object class.
Example 6.6 Creating a new dsgwfilter.conf entry for orgrole
"=" " " "(%v))" "LDAP filter is"
"^[+]*[0-9][ 0-9-]*$" " " "(telephoneNumber=*%v))" "phone number ends
"^\*$" " " "(cn=*))" "name is"
".*" ". _" "(cn=%v1-))" "name is"
"(cn=*%v1-*))" "name contains"
"(cn~=%v1-))" "name sounds like"
See Also
Modifying search results forms is described in “Modifying Search Result
Templates” on page 69
Modifying Default Search Filters
The gateway uses dsgwflter.conf to map patterns in search strings to a relevant
search filter and search result description (a search pattern is a grep-style
regular expression). dsgwwfilter.conf can be optimized to respond to common
user data patterns.
Netscape recommends modifying existing search filters in dsgwfilter.conf to
support new user data patterns, instead of creating new filters.
Search Filters for User Data Patterns
Example 6.7 shows typical search filter syntax for any search string containing
the at (@) symbol. In this example, the gateway responds to search strings
containing the @ symbol (the pattern) by searching the mail attribute for values
that are equal to or start with the supplied value (the filter). The gateway
returns a message on the search results form indicating the number of entries
where the “email address is” or “email address starts with” the user-supplied
value (the description).