Color Schemes
76 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
Changing Colors Using BODY Tag
Table 7.3 lists the five standard color attributes that can be changed.
To adjust background colors in the banner files and other standard HTML files,
edit the HTML to change the color associated with the BGCOLOR and TEXT
attributes to a different RGB color value (for example, to change background to
aquamarine and text to white, use <BODY BGCOLOR="#70DB93"
Changing Colors Using Directives
To change background colors in script files, add a COLORS directive
immediately before the BODY tag. The syntax in Example 7.1 shows the use of
the COLORS directive to change text color to blue, background color to aqua,
and the link color to red.
Example 7.1 Changing color settings using COLOR directives
<!-- COLORS “attribute=color [attribute=color [...]]” -->
In Example 7.1, attribute is a standard HTML %color attribute and color is an
RGB color value in the form #rrggbb (or a standard color name, for example,
Table 7.3 Colors and Related Attributes for BODY tag
Color Using Attribute
text color TEXT
background color BGCOLOR
link color LINK
visited link color VLINK
selected link color ALINK