Modifying Search Attributes for Advanced Searches
62 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
The first column in Example 6.1 specifies how the LDAP attribute shown in the
second column appears in the pull-down menu on the Advanced Search form.
Choose one term form menu, or leave out.
The third column contains a string of six bits. Each bit position in the string
maps to a match type, as shown in Table 6.2. A value of 1 in the bit position
indicates that the match type is valid for the associated attribute. A value of 0
indicates that the match type is not valid. In Example 6.1, the bit position for
the telephone number attribute is set to 0, so the Directory Server does not
search for sounds like match types for phone number entries on the Advanced
Search form.
The fourth and fifth columns in the search attributes contain empty strings
required by the gateway. These should not be altered.
Table 6.2 Bit Positions and Corresponding Search Match Types
Bit position Match type Type of Search Performed
1 contains Substring search for entries having attributes
with values ending wih the specified search
2 ends with Substing search for entries having attribgutes
with values ending with the sspecified search
3 starts with Substing search for entries having attributes
with values starting with the specified search
4 sounds like Approximate search for phonetic matches.
5 is not Equality search for all the entries with attribute
value that does not match exactly.
6 is Equality search for all entries having value that
matches exactly.