Chapter 2, Setting Up the Gateway 17
HTTP Server Configuration
HTTP Server Configuration
Name Translation Mapping
The HTTP server uses Name Translation mapping to translate a virtual path
provided by a gateway client to a physical path used by an HTTP server. This
Name Translation mapping specifies the gateway’s HTML directory. The
gateway’s CGIs use this information to output the correct URL (HTTP
redirection). In release 4.0 of the gateway, the NameTrans mapping is specified
in the gateway’s .conf file using the gwnametrans parameter.In release 3.x, the
NameTrans mappings are hard-coded (the binary files stored in /dsgw/bin are
mapped to /dshtml and the HTML files stored in /dsgw/html are mapped to /
See Also
“gwnametrans” on page 83
Gateway Root Suffix
In release 4.0, Directory Express and the default gateway are set to the root
suffix specified during Directory Server installation. This suffix specifies the DN
for the LDAP database and represents a root in the directory tree (for example,
o=airius.com). Multiple gateways can be set up on an HTTP server that provide
access to directory entries that correspond to this root suffix.
When the Directory Server’s suffix changes, it is necessary to run the
updatedsgw script manually in order to propagate the change to all gateway
See Also
“Updating the Gateway with Changes to Directory Server Configuration” on
page 15