Chapter 3, Gateway Localization 33
How the Gateway Selects a Character Set
HTTP Clients that Request UTF-8
Browsers designed for localization are configured to request the UTF-8
character set by default. To support localization, the gateway is preconfigured
to transmit the UTF-8 character set to these clients: Netscape Communicator
version 4.0 and greater and to Internet Explorer version 4.0 and greater. Release
4.0 of the gateway allows this preconfiguration to be overridden using the
ignoreAcceptCharsetFrom parameter.
See Also
“ignoreAccetpCharsetFrom” on page 83
The conversion from UTF-8 to the Gateway client’s chosen character set is
performed shortly before output.
HTTP Clients that Do Not Request
For browsers that do not request UTF-8 by default (including Netscape
Navigator 3.x and pre-4.0 releases of Internet Explorer), the Gateway selects a
character set from the Accept-Charset request header or from the Accept-
Language request header, depending on the HTTP client.
Some HTTP clients don’t request any character set information. For these
clients, the Gateway’s charset parameter definition is the default. When the
charset parameter is not defined in dsgw.conf, the Gateway uses Latin-1 (which
is the default in HTTP).
In addition to UTF-8 and Latin-1, the Gateway can convert to and from several
national character sets, depending on the client’s needs and configuration,