Gateway .conf File Configuration
26 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
Configuring the gateway to use SSL when communicating with the Directory
server requires modification of the securitypath and baseurl parameters in
Enabling SSL communications on the Directory Server is described in the
Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide. Information about managing
key and certificate databases is provided in Managing Netscape Servers.
Configuring the Gateway to Use SSL
The syntax in Example 2.3 shows the securitypath parameter specifying the
location of the certificate database.
Example 2.3 Specifying the Path for Certificate Database
securitypath “/export/TEST/alias/cert.db”
The syntax in Example 2.4 shows the baseurl parameter configured to use
ldaps (instead of ldap, the default) and standard SSL port number 636.
Example 2.4 Specifying SSL Communication
baseurl “ldaps://dir.airius.com:636/o%3Dairius.com”
Note Before configuring SSL, verify that the gateway’s Certificate database contains a
server certificate or Certificate Authority certificate needed to communicate with
the Directory Server.
See Also
“baseurl” on page 80
Setting Up Localization
There are two considerations for configuring the gateway character set: the
directory contents and the HTTP clients. The ideal character set supports all the
characters in the directory, and is displayed properly by all HTTP clients. UTF-8
best supports the Directory Server’s internal character (which is UTF-8).
However, HTTP clients that are not designed for localization may display UTF-
8 poorly.