
MMuussiicc 󰐷󰐷
 USB 󰄮󰄙󰂎󰀏󰆸󰄙󰅶0
11.. 󰂎󰂎󰄔󰄔󰄔󰄔
22.. 󰓁󰓁 [[PPOOWWEERR]] 󰀏󰀏 MMiinniikkeett
33.. 󰃤󰃤 UUSSBB 󰂎󰂎 MMiinniikkeett
PPhhoottoo 󰄮󰄮󰈸󰈸󰄙󰄙00
A-󰂎 USB 󰄮 Miniket
B-󰂎 USB 󰃤󰀽󰄮
44.. 󰂭󰂭󰄙󰄙󰄸󰄸󰃤󰃤󰌮󰌮󰕟󰕟00
Windows XP 󰗂󰂎󰘁󰈎
󰌮󰕊 <Miniket>󰀏
󰕟 SD 󰕊 <Removable
󰅺 Windows XP 󰈟 󰂎󰕊Removable
Disk󰃤0 󰕊 D 󰖹 E 󰁤D 󰂎󰕟 SD
󰀜 E 󰂎󰌮0
55.. 󰅶󰅶󰃤󰃤󰘧󰘧󰂎󰂎󰌜󰌜󰁎󰁎 <<MMUUSSIICC11>>// <<MMUUSSIICC22>>//
<<MMUUSSIICC33>> 󰖣󰖣 <<MMUUSSIICC44>> 󰁬󰁬󰕒󰕒00
󰌣󰌣󰗈󰗈󰄸󰄸󰂎󰂎󰃤󰃤󰅶󰅶 <<MMPP33>> 󰓁󰓁󰕀󰕀󰃤󰃤󰁬󰁬󰕒󰕒00
󰁬󰕒󰃂󰆱 500 0
󰅶󰖹󰈎 MP3 󰘁󰃓󰁮0
󰂭󰃤 Miniket Photo 󰂦󰎺󰃤󰁬󰕒0
<MUSIC1> ~ <MUSIC4> 󰐢󰁬󰕒0 󰈎󰐢
󰌮󰈟󰃤󰁬󰌣󰊬󰅳 31 󰕎0
󰂎󰘁󰆸󰃂󰆱󰂭󰎨󰁬󰕒 (MUSIC1) 󰈋󰃤󰅳󰀽󰐷
Miniket Photo 󰈨 NetSync DRM0
Music Mode : Playing Music Files
Copying Music Files from a PC
You can copy music files from a PC while connected to the PC with a USB
1. Turn the Mode Dial to Music mode.
2. Press the [POWER] button to turn on
the Miniket photo.
3. Connect the Miniket Photo to the PC
using the USB cable provided .
A- Connect the USB cable to the
Miniket photo.
B - Connect the other end of the USB
cable to the PC.
4. Set the desired memory type on the
Windows XP: Dialog windows may
pop up overlapped.
You can select desired memory type.
Internal memory is displayed<Miniket>and mini SD card is displayed
<Removable Disk>.
Other than Windows XP: It appears to have two instances of
“Removable Disk”. If it displays D and E drives as removable disks, D is
the mini SD Memory Card and E is the internal memory.
5. Copy your music files and paste it into the folder <MUSIC1>,
<MUSIC2>, <MUSIC3> or <MUSIC4>.
Be sure to copy your music files into the existing folders under <MP3>.
Up to 500 files can be stored in each folder.
[ Warning ]
Copying and redistributing of MP3 files may violate the copyright law.
You cannot create a new folder on your Miniket Photo set.
<MUSIC1> ~ <MUSIC4> are system folders. When the folders are renamed,
it may not be recognised by the system and will not play back music files
under renamed folders.
Folders created on a PC will not appear on the set.
[ Notes ]
Regarding Music file capacity according to memory capacity, refer to page
The music played back will begin with the first music file that is stored in the
top folder (MUSIC1).
It is recommended to use an AC Power Adapter during the file transfer to
avoid unintended power outage.
Pop up dialogs will appear differently whether the memory has files or not.
The Miniket Photo supports NetSync DRM.